Knockout Whist

No of Players

3 - 7

Cards to be dealt

Maximum of 9 cards but less with more than 5 players. Each player to receive the same number of cards.


To be agreed at the start and placed in a central pool.


Cut for deal. After the deal the residue of the pack is placed in the centre of the table and the top card revealed to show the trump suit. The deal changes each round in clockwise rotation.


Play commences with the player to the left of the dealer. Each player plays a card and follows to the suit led. If a player is unable to follow, he or she may use a card from the trump suit to try and win the trick. If neither of these options is available, a card may be discarded from the remaining suits. The winner of a trick leads to the next trick and so on until a hand is exhausted of cards. The number of tricks is determined by the number of cards held at the commencement of each round (i.e. 7 cards held - 7 tricks to be won).

The player winning the most tricks on the first round will choose trumps for the next round. The cards will be dealt and examined, then he/she will nominate trumps and make the opening lead. In the event that two or more players tie with the same number of tricks won, they cut the pack and the player cutting the highest card chooses the trump suit for the next round.

Any player who fails to win a trick by the end of a round is "knocked out" of the game. One card less is dealt at the commencement of each round. As less cards are dealt fewer tricks become available so players are eliminated until one player remains and wins the pool.

Card Index




Card Tricks